The practicing Registered Nurses (RNs) programme is one that has great opportunity, for improving the professional development and competencies from the requisite skills taught, which will significantly increase their chances of achieving career mobility and marketability. Intitally it began as a collaborative programme with ECC and UTECH but current it is a franchised programme from UTECH.
It is a flexible option for Registered Nurses who have completed basic nursing training and are desirous of obtaining a bachelors degree in general nursing (BScN). This programme was started in January 2008.
Application forms are available at the Student Affairs Office main campus, and at any of the other campuses. Completed application forms along with other stated requirements attached are to be submitted to the Senior Assistant Registrar, Admissions Office, Excelsior Community College.
Strong written and verbal communication and etiquette in a formal business environment.
Public speaking and presentation abilities
Leadership qualities for team environments.
Awareness of globalization and cross-cultural issues.
Candidates successfully completing this BScN programme will be eligible to apply to the Nursing Council of Jamaica for the designation Registered General Nurse (RGN)
Each Applicant would have passed the Regional Examination for Nurses Registration(RENR) in order to be entered on the register for general nurses in Jamaica, and use the designation ‘Registered General Nurse’ (RGN); eligible to practice as a RGN in Jamaica or any CARICOM country.
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