ECC Student Union
Student Government

Student Government is made up of student-run bodies that serve as the official voice of the student body. We attempt to enhance the student experience here at Excelsior Community College by acting as a governing body and an advocacy group for students. Involved in policy-making, adjudication, lobbying, community service, and countless other activities, we are a gateway for concerns from students and answers from administrators.

We are located in front of the Book Store here on Main Campus. Our office is open to all, Monday through Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm, so feel free to stop by anytime and voice your concerns or ideas. We thank you for the opportunity to represent you, the students, and would like to further commit Student Government to help you  fulfill your goals and aspirations.

The Students' Union

Excelsior Community College students are encouraged to exercise their democratic rights by voting in the election for the Students’ Union Executive.

Students’ Union Executives are elected on an annual basis by current students to lead the Students’ Union and oversee how it’s run, represent student opinion to the most senior figures at the College, lead various campaigns and organize key students events and activities.

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