Scholarships and Awards

A number of scholarships, bursaries and awards are awarded annually. Sensitive to the difficulties, which some students experience in   funding their education, the College’s Administration is committed to identifying and making available to students, possible sources of financial assistance.These may include Private Sources, Students Loan Bureau, Financial Aid,Scholarships and Bursaries, Employer Support and so on.

Available scholarships include:

  • The Sanguinette Award
  • Sports Scholarships
  • Departmental Scholarships
  • Community Scholarships

Students selected for College Scholarships and awards must satisfy certain conditions that may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Proven financial need.
  • Remaining in good academic standing
  • Demonstrating good moral character and leadership
  • Demonstrating a sense of social responsibility
  • Participation in co-curricular activities

Further information on available scholarships and awards may be obtained from the Guidance and Counseling Unit or the Coordinator of Scholarships and Financial Aid.

ECC Scholarship Application Form

N.B.  A student receiving a scholarship will be required to have a relative/ employer sign an affidavit/ contract accepting responsibility for financial support in the event that the scholarship/sponsorship does not materialize. Adult students proving ability to pay their own fees may sign the affidavit on their own behalf. 

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