ECC Awarded Nursing School of the Year

The Nursing Student of the Year competition was held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, and the Awards Ceremony on Saturday, July 20, 2024. Shantal Blair and Karissa Woodhouse, Year 3 students, entered on behalf of Excelsior Community College.

The ECC School of Nursing and Allied Health was awarded The Nurses’ Association of Jamaica – Winning Nursing School of the Year.

This award is based on the accumulated scores of the competitors from each School of Nursing, so the scores were amassed by Shantal and Karissa. Based on both students’ combined efforts, Excelsior Community College was named the Winning School of the Year and was awarded with the Shield.

Competitors from other Schools of Nursing included Brown’s Town, Knox, UWI and UTech. Each school had two competitors except UTech which had one. In all, there were 9 competitors.

We congratulate Team SONAH for this remarkable achievement!

Winning Nursing School of the Year Presentation

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