This applied degree consists of 76 credits that integrate theory, technical, diagnostic, and current
technologies used in the automotive industry. The programme combines experience and knowledge of mechanical, electronic, fuel and computer systems to inspect, maintain and repair engines and related components in all states of disrepair.
Learners will be exposed to activities such as performing workplace operations, preparing a motor vehicle for servicing, maintaining electrical systems, servicing cooling systems, disassembling/assembling cylinder head/engine block, servicing petrol fuel systems, and inspecting and servicing steering and suspension systems and performing welding operations. Though the programme is skewed towards practical activities, learners will be provided with the theoretical foundation required for the development of competencies, skills, and knowledge essential for success as owners or employees in the automotive sector.
Strong written and verbal communication and etiquette in a formal business environment.
Public speaking and presentation abilities
Leadership qualities for team environments.
Awareness of globalization and cross-cultural issues.
“The US welding industry is facing a big labour shortage.” This was the headline in Business Insider in July 2015. With the projected increase in car production and the application of computerized technologies in car manufacturing and the Automotive Aftermarket sector, trained and certified automotive workers will be needed to support both the new and used car sectors, along with competent professionals who are work-ready for the Aftermarket Operation sector. Based on labour demand projections from the HEART Trust/NTA’s Automotive Sector Report 2015, the sector has employment gaps in the following areas:
i. Automotive Body Repairers
ii. Diesel Service Technicians and Mechanics
iii. Small Engine Mechanics
iv. Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
v. Automotive Air Conditioning Specialist
vi. Automotive Collision Technician
vii. Mechanics – Heavy Vehicle
Employment of automotive service technicians and mechanics is projected to grow 5 per cent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Job opportunities for qualified job seekers should be good (US Bureau of Labour Statistics, Given the potential for interesting and rewarding careers in this industry, many young people are looking for suitable courses which will help prepare them for careers in management within the automotive and Aftermarket Operations sectors.
This programme targets any of the following individuals:
• Persons with industry experience seeking certification.
• Persons with industry experience who need formal training.
• Persons who want to change their career path.
• High school graduates interested in careers in Automotive Repairs and Engineering.
The CCCJ acknowledges the following examining bodies:
1. The Caribbean Examination Council – CXC
A pass in a subject offered by The Caribbean Examination Council at the CSEC level is
definedas follows:
Grades: I and II – up to January 1998
Grades: I, II and III – as of May 1998
2. Foundation concepts in Mathematics I, II and III and Foundation in the English Language I and II to be equivalent to CSEC Mathematics and English Language, respectively.
3. University of Cambridge – GCE O’Level
A pass in a subject offered by The University of Cambridge at the GCE O’Level is as
Grades: A, B, C
4. Secondary School Certificate- SSC
A pass in a subject offered by the Ministry of Education at the SSC level is as follows:
Ranges: IV or V
In the event of adjustments to the grade schemes by the respective examining bodies, the new grade schemes are deemed applicable with or without any further action on the part of the CCCJ.
For the Associate Level, applicants must meet both the Basic Matriculation Requirements as well as the Programme Matriculation Requirements.
The Basic Matriculation Requirements generally specify a minimum of five (5) passes in subjects at CSEC, GCE O’Level or SSC, including English ‘A’ or English Language and are applicable to all programmes offered by the CCCJ.
The Programme Matriculation Requirements are specific to the particular programme of study being
considered by an applicant. As such, each applicant MUST consult the Programme Matriculation
Requirements section of this curriculum handbook to determine what Programme Entry Requirements
might be required for the particular programme.
Semester I YEAR 1
COMM1101 | Communication I | 3 (45) |
ITEC1104 | Fundamentals of Information Technology | 3 (75) |
HLTH1101 | Occupational Health and Safety | 3 (45) |
AUTO1101 | Internal Combustion Engines (Engine Systems I) | 3 (105) |
AUTO1102 | Auto Electrical and Electronic Systems I | 3 (105) |
MATH1104 | Technical Mathematics I | 3 (45) |
18 |
Semester II
MECH1201 | Mechanical Workshop Technology | 3 (75) |
SCIE1201 | Engineering Science I | 3 (45) |
AUTO1201 | Auto Body Repairs I | 3 (105) |
AUTO1204 | Fuel Ignition and Emission Systems | 3 (75) |
AUTO1202 | Auto Electrical and Electronic Systems II | 3 (75) |
AUTO1203 | Auto Chassis Systems I | 3 (85) |
18 |
Summer I
WOEP1100 | Work Experience | 1.5 (120) |
1.5 |
Semester III YEAR 2
PSYC1111 | Introduction to Psychology I | 3 (45) |
SCIE2301 | Engineering Science II | 3 (45) |
AUTO2302 | Engine Systems II | 3 (105) |
AUTO2303 | Auto Chassis Systems II (Advanced) | 3 (90) |
DRAW2301 | Engineering Drawing and Design | 3 (45) |
AUTO2401 | Auto Body Repairs II | 3 (105) |
18 |
Semester IV
AUTO2403 | Technical Project | 3 (45) |
ENGL1204 | Technical Report Writing | 1 (45) |
AUTO2402 | Auto Air – Conditioning | 3 (75) |
ADPE2401 | Advanced Diagnostic and Performance | 3 (75) |
Elective | 3 (45) | |
13 |
Summer II
WOEP1100 | Work Experience | 1.5 (120) |
1.5 |
Semester I YEAR 1
COMM1101 | Communication I | 3 (45) |
ITEC1104 | Fundamentals of Information Technology | 3 (45) |
HLTH1101 | Occupational Health and Safety | 3 (45) |
AUTO1101 | Internal Combustion Engines (Engine Systems I) | 3 (105) |
12 |
Semester II
MECH1201 | Mechanical Workshop Technology | 3 (75) |
AUTO1102 | Auto Electrical and Electronic Systems I | 3 (105) |
SCIE1201 | Engineering Science I | 3 (45) |
MATH1104 | Technical Mathematics I | 3 (45) |
12 |
Summer I
PSYC1111 | Introduction to Psychology I | 3 (45) |
AUTO1204 | Fuel Ignition and Emission Systems | 3 (45) |
AUTO1202 | Auto Electrical and Electronic Systems II | 3 (45) |
AUTO1203 | Auto Chassis Systems I | 3 (75-85) |
ENGL1204 | Technical Report Writing | 1 (45) |
13 |
Semester III YEAR 2
AUTO1201 | Auto Body Repairs I | 3 (105) |
SCIE2301 | Engineering Science II | 3 (45) |
AUTO2302 | Engine Systems II | 3 (105) |
AUTO2303 | Auto Chassis Systems II (Advanced) | 3 (45) |
12 |
Semester IV
DRAW2301 | Engineering Drawing and Design | 3 (45) |
ADPE2401 | Advanced Diagnostic and Performance | 3 (75) |
AUTO2402 | Auto Air – Conditioning | 3 (45) |
AUTO2401 | Auto Body Repairs II | 3 (105) |
12 |
Summer II
WOEP1100 | Work Experience | 3 (240) |
Elective | 3 (45) | |
AUTO2403 | Technical Project | 3 (45) |
9 |
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