Associate of Applied Science in Automobile Repairs and Engineering

This applied degree consists of 76 credits that integrate theory, technical, diagnostic, and current
technologies used in the automotive industry. The programme combines experience and knowledge of mechanical, electronic, fuel and computer systems to inspect, maintain and repair engines and related components in all states of disrepair.

Learners will be exposed to activities such as performing workplace operations, preparing a motor vehicle for servicing, maintaining electrical systems, servicing cooling systems, disassembling/assembling cylinder head/engine block, servicing petrol fuel systems, and inspecting and servicing steering and suspension systems and performing welding operations. Though the programme is skewed towards practical activities, learners will be provided with the theoretical foundation required for the development of competencies, skills, and knowledge essential for success as owners or employees in the automotive sector.

Skills Gained

Strong written and verbal communication and etiquette in a formal business environment.

Public speaking and presentation abilities

Leadership qualities for team environments.

Awareness of globalization and cross-cultural issues.

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