The Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work is designed to help students develop competencies in dealing with various social ills and challenges facing people in society as well as help famalies, communities and individuals improve their social functioning capacity. Completing this programme will provide students with a sense of purpose, a range of career options, and knowledge that they will make a positive impact on the world.
Strong written and verbal communication and etiquette in a formal business environment.
Public speaking and presentation abilities
Leadership qualities for team environments.
Awareness of globalization and cross-cultural issues.
To matriculate into the programme, applicants must fulfil one of the following:
1. Passes in at least five (5) subjects in CSEC including English Language and Mathematics*. (NB: Grade III is accepted after June 1998).
2. Passes in at least five (5) subjects in GCE O’Level including English Language and Mathematics, with grades A, B or C.
3. Mature student Entry. Applicants falling in this category must be over the age of twenty five (25) with a minimum of 2 years experience in the specialized area of the industry. Applicants will be accepted based on their employment portfolio as well as certificates of achievement, positions held and community involvement.
4.CCCJ Associate Degree in Social Work or an approved Associate Degree from a recognized institution
*Students without Mathematics will be required to sit an equivalence course.
Graduates will be able to serve in paraprofessional positions such as:
Community Development Worker, Advocate, Social Work Assistants, Client Service Officers, Social and Human Services Assistant, Counselling Assistants.
Courses to be covered will include the following:
Human Right and Justice | Organization and Administration of Social Services
Field Practicum I | Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation Social Work Research Paper Mediation and Dispute Resolution Global Perspectives in Social Work Social Gerontology Field Work Practicum II Elective |
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