Excelsior Consortium of Technology Students

Who we are:
ECOTS is a society where students who are interested in technology come together to learn and grow in a safe, warm, and welcoming environment. As a society, we share our knowledge and offer advice
to each other, form teams to build projects, discuss the latest trends and technologies. No matter what your current IT skills or programming experience is or whether you are planning on pursuing a career
in computer science or not, there’s a place for you here at ECOTS


The vision of the society is “to eliminate technophobia and to ensure that all members of the EXED community are computer literate, thereby enabling us to maintain our currency and relevance in this digital era and to promote institutional development”.

Our aim is to expose the students to the latest advancements in computer technology and give
individuals an opportunity for sharing and extending ideas, views and knowledge in the field of
computer science.

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Main Campus

Camp Road Campus

Eureka Road Campus

Deanery Road Campus

St. Thomas Campus

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