Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Our Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Globalization has caused the emergence of worldwide production markets and greater access to a wide range of foreign goods and services. Survival in the new competitive global market calls for improved productivity, technologies, systems and services. Companies have to upgrade their products and services as well as use technology skillfully in order to face increased competition.
The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering has the responsibility of preparing our clients to not only survive but to excel in this globally competitive environment.
In order to achieve this mandate we continuously strive to do the following:
  • Deliver accredited programmes that are designed to meet international standards
  • Review and update the curricula to meet industry standards
  • Liase with the business, computer and engineering industry in order to upgrade offerings to clients
  • Liase with companies in our work experience programmes in order to upgrade offerings to clients
  • Facilitate problem solving and critical thinking in the classroom
  • Engage clients with the assignment of real-world projects
  • Organize professional development
  • Facilitate mentorship programmes
  • Perform self-studies for continuous improvement
It is our objective to not just allow our clients to acquire knowledge, but to use the knowledge to solve the problems in our society. The Faculty endeavours to continuously review/upgrade and create programmes that meet the needs of clients and industry. Our lecturers are qualified, caring and dedicated to the task at hand. Our staff is fully committed to the college’s motto “Transforming Lives, Nurturing Global Citizens.”
Many of our graduates own their own businesses or have achieved top positions in organizations in corporate Jamaica; some have migrated to other countries and are making an indelible mark in their fields of study. This epitomizes what the institution has to offer through the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. I invite you to become part of this experience within our college.

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